
泰國知名的พระรอด (譯音)帕洛佛牌,是泰國五大聖粉材質主要古佛牌之一,最早出土乃泰北(譯音)南噴府(Lamphun)的(譯音)瓦瑪哈汪佛寺窖藏,帕洛佛牌是佛法俱足的佛牌,是非常特別的佛牌,在保平安方面更是有名氣。


Phra Rod

Phra Rod is, as well, one of the most popular amongst all five grand antique amulet collection. It is accredited for all magical qualities especially the protection of holders from dangers.

Built in B.E. 1223 (A.D 680) Wat Mahawan was the only temple where the Phra Rod was excavated and found. It was artfully crafted by the Haripunchai craftsman in the Lopburi Age style with five different colours of white,yellow, red, green,and grey. Hra Rod has been called differently according to different foundation and base.

Until today Phra Rod is aged over 1200 years and it has been the model of Hari-Punchai craftsmanship that mingles altogether artful imaginations of India, Tavara-Vadee, Srivichai,and Lopburi.



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