
泰國知名泰國五大聖粉材質主要古佛牌之一的พระนางพญา (譯)南帕亞佛,又稱為聖母娘尊佛,南帕亞佛的佛牌,是由陶泥土燒成,坐姿呈降魔式印(佛陀指地印),造型為等腰三角形,由彭世洛府(譯)瓦南帕亞佛寺窖藏的為最佳、最昂貴!最為流行的南帕亞佛牌,則是佛曆2095年(西元1552年)距今四百多年前,大城皇朝中期督造。





Phra Nang Phya

The crafted-clay based, isosceles-triangle-shaped amulet in Pang Marn Vichai pattern named Phra Nang Phya is the most supreme and famous amulet in Phitsanulok province. It originated in B.E. 2095(A.D.1552) and was categorized as one of amulets in the Midddle Ayudhya Age.

Phra Nang Phya is crafted in two sizes as followed:

1. Pim Yai (Large size) which divided into the following three models: Pim Yai Khao Kong (Bended Knees), Pim Yai Khao Kong (Bended knees), Pim Yai Khao Trong (Straight knees), Pim Yai Aok Noon (Elevated Chest)

2. Pim Lek (Small size), which divided into the following three models: Pim Lek Sang Kha Ti, Pim Lek Aok Tang(Erected Chest)

Phra Nang Phya is made of mixure of clay, flower bud powder, and ore which consists of four different colours including yellow, red, green and black.

Presently, Phra Nang Phya is known as valuable antique amulet aged over 452 years. It has been famous in the sense of several supernatural blessings such as safety protection, benevolence and immortality.



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